We are still in phoenix. Have been here 3 weeks now. And will be here till the end of may. This is the longest we have ever been in one spot. Feels good to settle in but derek and I both said we are ready for the next spot and something new to see. Travellihg is in our blood lol:)
We dont care for phoenix . Seems there is a lot of homeless people on the streets and drivers are rude and cut off in front of ya and its just not a place I would like to live long term. The weather is nice and warm right now but not scorching yet. Had 2 days last week where it reached 100 f but most days it gets to sonewhere in the 80s or 90s. I caint imagine having 110 like they can often have over the summer months.
We did some sightseeing sat and seen some pretty desert cactus scenery. There is a uppity part of town where it looks real nice but it is deserty there.
We went out to eat at applebees fri night and as we were leaving I noticed the beautiful row of palm trees surrounding the parking lot and smiled. I am living my dream of living by palm trees and warm weather. I felt truly happy and content as I looked at my little family. I am so blessed to be living this adventure with the best hubby and our dear children.
Children are doing well, ariana is one busy girl now that she is crawling. She started crawling on her own one day. Just before she was 11 months. She loves to get into my cupboards or any trouble she can get her hands on. She is so much more aggressive than austin was. She is back to loving to eat. And seems to be getting chunky.she didnt cooperate with pictures took her headband off and thdn tried to put it back on:) but heres a few of her being her normal self. jayleen is carolynns little girl. Kids are second cousins.
We have nice shade trees at our rv park and nice neighbours. Pool has been chilly still but we have stuck our feet in. They have washlines here to hang up laundry so that makes me so excited to be able to hang out my laundry.
I am also adding pictures of our rv spot and the motor home. Carolynn and I took the kids to a mall one aft and I let them ride the train:)
I have been working again some. Most nights just a few hours to get the guys started but a few nights I worked all night. So I am doing alright at maintening things but not getting ahead on things like my goal was. The guys keep doung better and carolynn has went a few times so it should keep getting better from here on out. The children do real well staying with carolynn, ariana is sleeping all night. I never thought that would happen.
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