Sunday, December 29, 2013

update on our life

Update time again We finished up in texas after we were at the grand canyon and were done mid September. It was blazing hot in texas and I was finally ready to come home for a little. Our air conditioner could not keep up. Had a month off at home. Took a week to get caught up on sleep and then we had a cousins wedding here to go to and then went to Canada for a visit. Spent lots of time at home with my mom. Not sure who enjoyed it more Grandma or the kids. Then we got home with just 2 weeks till it was time to head out again. With a list of projects so long it was overwhelming. Picked up our place a little and painted our spare room and put trim up in 2 bedrooms, added a closet and went through a lot of stuff I had in storage etc. It was a stressful time trying to get lots done and I did not get my goal of getting Austin potty trained. I looked forward to our simple life in the camper again. Life is just so cozy in our camper and lots less maintenance than a house. Mid November we headed up to Michigan to start the next taco bell project. I will be working full time on this project doing the electrical again. See once how the kids do with a baby sitter. Not to mention it being cold in nov in Michigan. The first few weeks were very rough. Lack of sleep , long nights at work and little time to be with the kids. Kahleah ,Dereks sister travelled with us the first 2 weeks and took wonderful care of the children. We ended up getting colds and it was rough. After she went home my sisters from Canada came for a week to watch the kids and then Brians teenage girls did it till Christmas. It was a hard transition for the children and me working so I will take a little break for a while and not work and see if we can get in a good routine. I will miss working with Derek as I totally love the work and working along side my hubby. Jayson , Dereks cousin was helping us here till Christmas but he is done now so we will miss him. This job is a 3 man job most nights, some lines could be done by 2 people and others take the 3rd person. We are finally getting a good routine and feel like we are getting the hang of things and learning ways to speed up things and make it go smoother. Long and short of it it was a rough start. It is a big project and lots of little details. We have to take down all the monitors and put them back up after we are done with the line. They can be a royal pain, we always breathe easier once we turn thme back on and they work properly.we are taking everything off the top half of the food line and putting new back. Rv ing in the snow puts on a whole new aspect. Our water lines froze up for a few weeks so we had to use the shower houses at the rvv parks for showers and carried water for the bathroom. I think the children would have done better too if we could have played outside more. We worked in Detroit, flint and Toledo in nov and dec. we plan on starting in northern Indiana in January and working to il and maybe Wisconsin and then by end of January hopefully be out on the west coast, Oregon and then California. So we are soooo looking forward to warmer temps. Any one looking for a trip? Im looking for a nanny in a little while, anyone out there wanting to see the west coast and do some travelling with us?? I hope to be able to work again once we get in a good routine . We had a few days in canada with my family over Christmas and spent a few days in Michigan with all the Swartz family and now we are home for a week and head out again the next week. We may have found renters for our place, they are coming to look at the place tomorrow so I will have a busy week packing up all the stuff in the house. So much for a nice break. I caint remember the last time life was relaxing for me. Life as a mom I guess. ive been running on empty for too long. There is always a to do list yay long that feels like it never gets done. But we are loving our sweet kiddos and I guess they are only little once. Will post pics in just a ;ittle bit but here is our latest news.

Friday, September 6, 2013

july 24 to aug 6

July 24 to Aug 6 It is 5 am and I am wide awake, yes I know I should be sleeping .Arianna is still sleeping from 10 30 last night, im not used to her sleeping so long so I wake up numerous times expecting her to wake up. Derek just got in from work. We left off in san Francisco where it was cold. Headed to napa valley (wine country) where they have beautiful vineyards. I mean just hundreds of large fields of perfectly manicured green lush grape rows. The wknd was kinda broken up as we had to move to a dif rv park on sat. A Friday night job they snuck in that was not in the area we would be Sunday night. Derek usually works sun night ( likes to start after midnight so we can have a little more relaxing day ) through thurs night ,but the last 4 weeks we have had a fri night job too so we are ready for a full wknd off. The rv park we were at sat to tues was nice and roomy, whew a breath of fresh air compared to the tight ones in the SF area. We are slowly making our way farther inland and with that comes warmer temps. They had a little kiddy pool area where Austin loved to play in on the hot afternoons. And he had lots of room to push his little stroller around. I did find him down the lane a ways one time, he was just a goin for it. But I told him that if he goes where Mommy caint see him other people will take him and then he stayed closer to our camper. He does really good with knowing not to get on the road ( cause the cars will get him and he will get hurt  ) .if there is cars coming and we are walking he will stop and not walk till the car is gone so it takes me forever to walk some where with him if we are close to a road but I guess better safe than sorry. Wed july 29 we started our travels to salt lake city. Had a 2 hour drive between jobs tues, wed and then for thurs night we had a 9 hr drive. That was a long haul and poor Derek had to work that night. He had gotten about 4 hrs of sleep . We left the napa valley and headed north east to the beautiful mountainous area in northern ca. We had been talking about a certain job we had done 4 years ago in ca and would you believe it we had that same taco bell again this time. That was the only taco bell so far that we had also done with the other project . 4 years ago we had also been in Sa Francisco area. So it was quite something to come back to a taco bell we had worked in before. And it was one of those jobs that were special, that we still talked about. It was way out of town nestled in the mountains, quiet (almost too quite like there would be a bear come running out of the woods if you didn’t watch out at night) but in a beautiful location. A breath of fresh air. From there we went to south lake tahoe . One of the most beautiful lakes I have ever seen. Crystal bule lake up in the mountains, surrounded by mountains and trees. We even saw a few white snowy mountain peaks in the far distance. Austin and I picked up some humungous pine cones 10 inches high. We had a quiet place to park behind taco bell and as Derek is sleeping and we are just relaxing in the camper with the door open Austin was watching some people down the street. All of a sudden he hollers out the door, “ Hey guys , Hey guys!! What are you doing ?!!!! I see you !!! “ I hope they didn’t hear him. Thurs am we had a 9 some hr drive to salt lake city to do 2 jobs there thurs night.the children did really well, he was only out of his car seat for the last half hr. thank goodness for kids who do alright traveling. We had stopped at a rest area in the middle of the day and Austin got to run but other than that we hammered down. We lost an hour being it was a dif time zone so Derek had to start work as soon as we got here. And we will be here for 2 weeks. So nice to park for a little while. We are at a nice rv park. I have went with Derek a few nights to help him on his jobs. Arianna goes with us and sleeps in her carseat, Austin stayed with Brians next door. He has enjoyed being entertained by their kids . and it gives me a little break to sleep or get some work done. Some days I don’t get much done other than takin care of the kids, keeping them semi quiet while Derek sleeps. Arianna is sleeping real good nights, up to 8 hrs at a time most nights though last night she was up every 3 hrs. She is 2 months old, loves to coo and smile when we talk to her, smiles at her big brother too and wails when he hits her on the head . she takes short cat naps during the day but I can handle the long nights. She is holding her head and loves to sit up and look around. Not near as needy as she was a moth ago, when she thought she had to eat all the time and would not go to sleep with out it. Now during the day she will drift right off with her paci if a take a little walk around the campground. She loves being outside. next step is to lay her down and let her put herself to sleep, any help on that?? How do you other moms make your kids go to sleep by them selves? I didn’t do very good with Austin on that one either. Austin is a busy boy,loves to run and push his little stroller around the campground, playing on the playground, playing with his tractors and trains. Not into his books as much as he was but that could be my fault cause I haven’t taken the time to read to him like I used to. He picks up on every thing we say. There have been a few nasty taco bells and we have talked about them and this aft he informed me as Derek went into home depot. That store is dirty, it’s a nasty home depot, oh and then the mcdonalds was nasty too lol the expressions added to it were hilarious. Love him so much. He still takes naps most of the time but fights them some days, thinks he doesn’t need them I guess. And if he doent get one he does arlight on day, is a little more whiny maybe but those days its early to bed and hell sleep 12 hrs. he loves his fruit, will eat that over mcdonalds. Specially watermelon and cantelope, he'll eat it like candy. He also likes gummy bears etc and strawberry soda. Derek still likes his work, I enjoy going with him to help him and its just so nice to be able to work together but I caint help all the time with taking care of the children yet too. I am hungry all the time it seems and need to start eating healthier stuff so I can get back in shape

the grand canyon

Grand Canyon Saturday august 31 2013 We are travelling to texas right now, left the grand canyon this am. We have a 12 hr drive today . I had never been in New Mexico before so I am enjoying seeing some new scenery once again. Red rocky mountains and green brushy deserty landscape. Any way about the grand canyon. I had always dreamt of seeing it and finally we were driving close by with work so we had the chance to stop in. It is beyond words, majestic, marvelous, vast, gorgeous the list goes on. You stand at the edge and there is so much to look at you don’t know where to start. Pictures just do not do it justice. If any of you ever have the chance go see it for yourself!! I had imagined it to be deserty, hilly and rocky around the canyon but to our surprise it was a lush green forest of evergreens and relatively flat and the canyon is just a big hole in forest .high elevation so it was cold and rainy the days we were there. What a surprise the early explorers must have had, there is no warning , just all of a sudden a straight ledge down. We got there thurs aft after having travelled 15 hrs from California with a camper break down on the way. The leaf spring broke and we were out in the middle of nowhere, an hour and a half from any town. We got a brain wave to weld it together with our tools we carry for his work to get us to the town where there was a rv shop. It worked and got us there. God was with us, he let it get over cast so it wasn’t too hot in the desert while Derek was working on it and just as he was putting away the last of the tools it started raining. We stayed at a little rv park in a town just 15 minutes away from the canyon. The first aft we Went to the visitor center and seen the canyon film at the Imax . They gave you a pretty good idea of what it might feel like to fly through it or raft the rapids, makes you want to go and actually do it. Well the flying part, the rapids look a little rough though the dare devil in me would like to try it. Austin enjoyed it and never flinched through the loud noise, Arianna actually fell asleep through all the noise. She is doing so good now that I used the baby wise sleep method with her. We went to see the sunset at the canyon but got there a little too late. Oh well we still have 1 more day. Seen some elk and mule deer beside the road on our way into the park. Friday spent all day driving and touring the grand canyon. We were riding the shuttle bus and at the one stop Derek and I got separated. They run every 10 minutes so it was no big deal , I just waited on him at the next stop. Austin was heartbroken when he realized that the bus had left with me and Arianna on it. Then when Derek took the next bus and he didn’t see me on it he started sobbing again. Boy was he glad to see me at the next stop. He hadn’t had much of a nap so it didn’t take much to put him in tears. Sightseeing with babies and toddlers is a lot more work. Takes time and you caint go hike any old trail but we still had a great time seeing every thing. next time I want to hike to the bottom to see the river and really feel out the canyon’s inns and outs. This is one place we would come back to in a heartbeat. There was little gophers digging up holes around the camper so Austin had a hay day watching them and digging and covering their holes with dirt. He is really into digging and getting dirty right now!! Next week We work in texas with aprox 2 hr drive between jobs each day and then this cutting board project is all done. We have a month and half off and then head out on a new project beginning of November doing some new shelving etc for taco bell as they are starting to serve breakfast so they need to add some space to their food lines. That will take us through 2014 and into the beginning of 2015. We are getting a larger camper for that with an extra room in the back so that will be great with the children .

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Just Another day

We are  , just out of sanfransisco this week. Actually found a Rev park that has open spots. Our site is rocky so Austin has a hay day playing with the dirt and rocks. There is a playground here too which is nice to run off some energy while Derek sleeps. It is cool nights , we run the heater and days are breezy and just comfy. We are here till Tues next week. Then off to see the grand canyon enroute to OK and Texas.

Went to the jelly bean factory today. Hes showing you his jelly bean:) all he cared about was the lady handing out jelly beans:) lol

Love childrens hands , even when they are filthy. . Baths every night for this little man

Filling his shoes w rocks and dumping them. Also fills his littke stroller with rocks and givesthem rides

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Woke up this am and heard Arianna  stirring and wheezing away. She was laying awake looking around her nose all plugged up. Not sure what causes it, she don't have a cold or anything. Maybe the dry dusty weather.
  As soon as I came over she got the biggest grin on her face. Her smiles melt my heart. Austin wanted to go lay beside her and snuggle with her under the blanket. Love my kiddos so much:)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Life happenings

A Day In the Swartz family as life on the road



   I had this all typed out a few days ago and didn’t save it correctly so here goes again.

  Tuesday July

The day started at 9 am when I had to go move our truck so the rv beside us could get out. We are in a tight little rv park and when Derek had come in from doing his jobs early am someone else had taken our parking spot and parked their vehicle right by our camper door, ( oh the nerve of some people )  so Derek had to park halfway on the driveway. Kids were both  up which wasn’t all bad as we have a busy day ahead including Baths, photo shoot, clean up, dishes, check out at 12, drive to next jobs, find rv park for the night.

   Arianna loved her bath, she was just a kicking away. I stuck Austin in as I dried her and got her dressed. He was grouchy and did not want to play with his bath toys cause he had got woke up too early ( he often sleeps till 10 or 10 30) , she was fussin cause she does not like being cold and wet so poor Derek had to sleep with  a lot of noise. Thank goodness for ear plugs. She sat happy in her seat , Austin watched cars as I took my shower. 10 30 we are ready for our mini photo shoot in the gorgeous flower garden over looking the ocean they have here. we are out on a little pier out on the ocean, absolutely gorgeous here. The lady who does the rv campground web site loves taking pictures so she was more than happy to snap some for me of the kids and I. Arianna did really good even though she was tired and ready for a nap. She fell asleep as we were walking around the garden taking pics. Love it when she is this good. Trust me we have had some rough days. She thinks she has to eat all the time and also would not go to sleep for me with out eating. We are working on it and she is doing a lot better . Austin of course would not pose for pics, he takes after his daddy, so we just took random ones of him playing. He is such a stinker, he’ll stand there and smile and as soon as she is ready to take the pic he looks down or runs off. It was nice and comfortable with the sun trying to peak through ( it has been so chilly here on the coast. 63f during the day. ) Thank goodness for our sweatshirts.

   At 11 we headed to our camper, I quickly picked up our mess of a camper. Amazing how quickly this place can be a wreck, with toys ,blankets , shoes etc strewn all over. We have a 26 foot rv with a slide out so it is a nice size for a camper .  She woke up at 12 ish so I had to feed her . Then dishes and out to help Derek load up our scrap stainless steel that he collects from his taco bell jobs. He had been working in a bad part of San fransisco where they say not to leave any thing valuable in the vehicles so we had unloaded our 600lbs ( worth about $250 ) of stainless steel and kept it under our camper. Lots of homeless people and theft. We were parked out of town thank goodness. We are so sick of San fransisco, it is such a tight town and just busy and people are so rude. Don’t get me wrong we love life on the road , getting to see lots of sights but there is a few places I could not live permanently. Los angelos and San fransisco. Or California in general.

 All packed up and Headed out around 1 pm. We were driving right through San Fr so stopped to sell our scrap . Had it all unloaded and the guy comes out to  tell us he caint take it after all cause in the san fran Township he can only buy from people who have a California ID. Grrrr.California and all their rules and bylaws is rididculous. So back in the truck it all goes again. Drove our 2 hrs to the next jobs and were going to park with our friends Brian waglers from our home area who we work for. They are a wonderful Christian family w 3 kids ages 7 to 14. Austin loves to go play with them in  their camper, he is always asking to go to brians. The rv park they were at was all booked full so we found a cheap little place 15 minutes down the road. Basically just a parking lot , Their was some creepy looking people in that one so when Derek wasn’t there we stayed in the camper with the door locked. But atleast we had ac , it is getting a little warmer as we are travelling further inland.  Stayed there 2 nights and then moved over with our friends for 2 nights cause that’s all they had open and on the move again. Around SF all the rv parks are always booked full so we had a hard time finding spots. But we will be headed out of the big cities soon so it should be easy to find stuff again. We are in the napa  valley where they have acres and acres of beautiful vineyards.

We are out of clothes so tomorrow have got to go find a laundry mat to do some laundry, and go get some groceries. All I have is  few hamburgers to grill.

Derek took a nap from 7 pm to 10 and then he got up to go to work and me and the kids went to sleep. He usually sleeps when he gets back in the am  till  1 or 2 pm and then sleeps again a little before work.  He will be back any where from 5 to 8 am and we will start another day with more adventures J

boys playing

5 minutes from our rv park

i'm going shopping at walmart :)

the lady who did our pics. ill post more later

view from our camper


it was cold

miss ariana swartz

beautiful view along the coast

san fransisco

golden gate bridge

san francisco